Een verrassende inzending

Begin januari heb ik een Oranje shirt beschikbaar gesteld voor mijn zeer trouwe fans in Roemenië. Het is altijd mooi om mensen zo blij te maken met kleine dingen, maar deze actie was erg speciaal. Het werd namelijk een actie waarbij de fans drie weken de tijd hadden om in een reactie aan te geven waarom zij dat shirt moesten winnen. Het leukste verhaal of de leukste anekdote werd door mij uitgekozen en kreeg dan het shirt. Dit was absoluut niet makkelijk, dat lijkt me duidelijk. Het liefste had ik honderd shirtjes en gaf ik er iedereen één 🙂 Er waren zo veel mooie verhalen, maar het werd ook snel duidelijk dat er voor mij één echt uitsprong. Er is namelijk iemand geweest, Cosmin Lauran genaamd, die gewoon speciaal voor mij een liedje heeft geschreven. En wie wil dat nou niet 😉

Ik heb het shirtje persoonlijk overhandigd en ik hoop dat de winnaar er erg blij mee is. Daarmee is het natuurlijk nog niet klaar. Ik wil jullie namelijk heel graag het zelfgemaakte liedje laten horen! Cosmin heeft er ook een clip bij gemaakt en deze gisteravond gepost. Bij deze dus, onderaan deze post, het liedje met de clip. Ik ben benieuwd wat jullie er van vinden!

A very surprising contribution  

In the beginning of January I put my official shirt from the Dutch National Team available for a win action. This to say ‘thank you’ to my very loyal fans in Romania. It’s always very nice to make people happy with such small gestures, but this action was very special. It was an action where you could tell a small story or anecdote about me and I would choose the one I liked the most. The winner would receive the shirt off course. This decision was definitely not easy, because there were a lot of nice stories. I wish I had a hundred of shirts and I could give one to everyone. But unfortunately I don’t, so I had to choose the story which was the nicest. Soon it became very clear that there was one very special contribution, because someone, his name is Cosmin Lauran, really wrote a song for me. And who doesn’t want that? 😉 For me this was the winner.

I personally handed over the shirt to the winner and I hope he is very happy with it. Because I was really impressed by the song, I want to share it with you. Cosmin even made a little clip for the song, which he posted last night. Enjoy it, I’ve posted it below the text. I’m looking forward to hear your opinion about this song!

O surpriză foarte plăcută

La începutul lunii ianuarie, am pus la bătaie tricoul meu de la Echipa Națională a Olandei ca premiu a unul concurs. Am considerat a fi o metodă foarte oportună pentru a spune „mulțumesc” fanilor mei din România. Pentru mine, este mereu un motiv de bucurie să fac oamenii fericiți cu astfel de mici gesturi, dar, concursul acesta s-a dovedit a fi unul special. Concursul s-a desfășurat în mediul on-line, și, tot ceea ce trebuia să faci a fost să scrii un comentariu care să conțină o mică istorioară despre mine. A trebuit să jurizez, iar decizia cu siguranță nu a fost una ușoară, deoarece au fost o multitudine de comentarii minunate. Mi-aș dori să am sute de tricouri ca să pot oferi câte unul pentru fiecare. Din păcate nu am, așa că a trebuit să aleg comentariul cel mai reușit. Citind comentariile, am descoperit unul foarte special. Cosmin Lauran chiar a scris un cântec pentru mine. Cine nu își dorește asta? Pentru mine, e este câștigătorul!

I-am înmânat tricoul personal, cu speranța că este foarte fericit pentru că l-a câștigat. 

Pentru că pe mine m-a impresionat cântecul, chiar vreau să îl împărtășesc cu voi. Cosmin a făcut inclusiv un mic videoclip pe care l-a postat aseară. Sper să vă placă. Aștept cu nerăbdare părerile voastre!

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